Manufacturing engineering

Form of study: full-time / part-time - bachelor, bachelor on the basis of a diploma of a junior specialist, master

Study plans (bachelor, master)

It is hard to imagine functioning of modern manufacturing enterprises without the state-of-the-art equipment – CNC machines combined with other manufacturing equipment in a single production system.

Knowledge of manufacturing processes and the ability to combine the highest productivity with the highest quality of complicated industrial products is a key to the competitiveness of modern enterprises. This is the reason why highly qualified engineers are in demand in large companies.

The educational program “Manufacturing engineering” provides for the study of:

  • modern methods of designing manufacturing processes for engineering industry (automotive, energy, metallurgy, agricultural engineering);
  • programming and maintenance of CNC machines and robotic systems.
  • training of programmer engineers for modern equipment control.

Our graduates are

  • manufacturing engineers;
  • research engineers at aircraft companies;
  • programmer engineers for modern equipment control

Employers that cooperate with the Manufacturing Engineering Department are the following companies: Progresstech-Ukraine, Vents, УХЛ-МАШ, HAAS.

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